What is an Enjoybook?
It is a book/devotional that was designed to be enjoyed hand in hand with the Holy Spirit.
The purpose of this enjoybook is to strengthen your intimacy with your Abba (means "Father, Dad, Daddy" in Aramaic) and to begin a love story with Him.
To achieve this, you need to activate yourself, so I divided each chapter into 3 sections that, personally, have helped me in my connection with the Father.
1) Logos:
Bible verses that I encourage you to meditate hand in hand with the Holy Spirit. Always remember to read the scriptures through the lenses of Jesus. Find the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in each verse.
2) Immerse yourself in his presence:
I invite you to close your eyes and experience the presence of Jesus as you listen to worship that I know will be a blessing to your mind, body and spirit. You can listen to all the songs in the "History with Abba" Playlist on Spotify or search for it on YouTube.
When you finish this time with Dad God, write down the thoughts
of God for your life.
Because the words that come out of our mouths kill or give life; They are poison or fruit, you choose. Proverbs 18:21 MSG
4) Color and enjoy with Jesus:
Activate your creativity and awaken that child's heart.
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